Sunday, November 30, 2008


To day is the last day of November, and I have successfully posted on both of my blogs each day as part of NaBloPoMo.

I know the last week or so I have been struggling to write good posts. Sixty posts in a month is a lot! I don't know if I will do it again though. I think I prefer "quality" to quantity in my posts.

Did you do NaBloPoMo? What did you think of it? Would you do it (again)?


Unknown said...

60 posts IS amazing! I could barely get my 30 in.

I would do it again, but I might skip a year like I did last year. I have 365 days to decide.

I look forward to reading your non-NaBloPoMo posts!

Marianne said...

Lady - that's quite an accomplishment. I think I've written 60 posts in the last four months. And they've been poorly written and boring!