Monday, June 7, 2010


So, I am not an environmentalist. But, as I/we have been making choices, it has been interesting to see that something that is considered "green" may not always be the most green option. Here are two examples:

Cloth Diapering
Yes, there is less garbage with cloth diapering. But, you use more water and electricity washing the diapers. So, it terms of impact on the environment, it is really a wash!

Xeroscaping obviously uses less water. And, you don't have to mow anything! But, they have found that having grass near your house reduces the temperature inside. That means if you live in a hot climate, you will use less electricity cooling your house. I don't know if it is a complete wash, but it isn't as close as they would want you to see!

I wonder if similar things will come out about hybrid and electric cars. I know the batteries may already be an issue (how do you dispose of them?)...

Your thoughts?

Monday, February 8, 2010


In the wake of the Tebow/Focus on the Family commericial during the Superbowl, I thought I would write a post about choice.

First, I think Pam Tebow had a choice. I think all women in her situation should have a choice. They should be able to know what the probability is that she would die, the baby would die, they both make it, etc and then make an informed decision. In almost every case, there isn't a 100% probability for any one of the outcomes, and the mom and dad have to decide what is best for them. I think most pro-life people would agree with me that if there is a very high risk the mom would die, then termination might be an option. If that risk is accompanied by a equal or greater risk of the baby dying, it becomes even more of a legitimate option in the minds of pro-life supporters.

But, what about if only the baby's life is at risk, like a baby with Trisomy 13 or 18? My question is what does abortion do for that family? MAYBE they won't become as attached to the little one, but since they already have pictures of the baby, I doubt that. Some of these kids live for years with the condition. Some lives for months. Some live for days. Some live for minutes, and some are born still. But, I don't see why so many people push to have these babies aborted. If they are going to die, why not let them live as long as they can first?

Okay, now for the "hot" topic - unwanted pregnancy. With the exception of rape, the woman who is pregnant had a choice BEFORE she got pregnant. She chose to have relations. She weighed the risks of that. I think that should be the only choice she gets. If you are going to have relations, you have to be willing to accept the "consequences" of such actions. We need to get back to living in a society where your actions have consequences! I think this would cut down on the number of STDs as well because people would be a little less willing to have relationships with people they are not committed to.

As for rape victims, I am not sure how I stand on this issue. I have read about people who were raped, had an abortion, and felt like they had been raped twice as a result. I have also read people say that it can cause emotional problems to have to carry a baby conceived in such a cruel manner. Personally, I would keep the baby because I believe it is a gift from God even if the act wasn't. But, I don't know if I could force my beliefs on that on others. It is a very sticky subject for sure.

So, that is my take on things. What do you think?

Friday, January 15, 2010


So, AJU6 (our 7 week old son), has a lot of monkey things. Monkeys and dogs are the common decorations on infant boy clothing this year it seems. I don't have anything wrong with monkeys, but some of the sayings on the clothes could easily be taken wrong.

Now how could they be taken wrong? It comes down to evolution. Things like "Mommy's little monkey" could easily be construed as thinking we are just another primate. We are not. We are a special creation of God. We are made in His image, unlike the other animals. Yes, we have a lot in common with primates, but we also have almost as much in common with many other animals! This is all because there is a common Creator who, as one would expect, used some common templates.

So, it makes me think about what I should put on him. I know around close friends what he is wearing won't impact them. They share our belief, so they know he is just wearing things because they look cute. But, out in public it could easily be taken as support for evolution. Well, I wouldn't say support per se. So many people don't understand the debate at all. They just get fed evolution from birth and have no idea about any of the issues with the theory.

So, what do you think?