Monday, November 24, 2008

U is for...


God is understanding. That doesn't mean He accepts our excuses, but He does understand what we are going through. Jesus lived life on earth as completely man. He was tempted just as we are tempted. As a result, He has been through what we face here. The only difference is that He was able to resist the temptations that we fall into. I think this is because He knew the Scriptures and was able to use them to protect Him from Satan. We are not a rotted in the Word, so you are more easily tempted...

What do you think?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I guess I think that no matter how rooted in the Word I am, I will still fall into sin. BUT, I do agree that most of us would do so much better if we were more grounded in the Word... and not just the Bible word, but Jesus the Word.